Essential conditions for Affiliation with Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi
Any educational Institution/School/College who fulfils the following essential conditions can apply to the Chairman, Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi for affiliation on the prescribed proforma of application along with related documents and prescribed fee. On receipt of application for affiliation, the Chairman, Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education shall constitute Inspection Team of eminent educationist, for Inspection of the School/Institution for on the spot verification of the documents, staff, building and other allied services. The inspection team shall visit the Educational Institution/School and submit its report to the Chairman Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education which shall be placed before the Governing Body. The decision of the Governing Body for grant of provisional affiliation/rejection of affiliation will be communicated to the concerned Institution in due courses of time.
School/College/Educational Institutions should be running under Registered Trust/Society.
A copy of the resolution of the Society about affiliation with Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi indicating the consent from School Management.
A copy of sale deed or certified copy of rent agreement if building is on rent.
Provision of details about Library, Laboratory, Furniture, Electricity, Drinking water and toilets facilities for boys and girls separately.
A list of teachers/supporting staff and Management of School/College along with their educational qualifications.
The school/Educational Institution shall submit list of students, class wise, and stream wise to Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi along with application form.
Standard and Guidelines for the Institutions seeking affiliation with Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi
The following are the standard requirement for the Institution/School/College seeking affiliation with Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi about teaching/supporting staff, space/premise, details of syllabus and other facilities requirement for smooth functioning of School.
A) Staff : The staff should be adequate with regard to the size of the school and course/subject(s) actually taught there as per norms Education Dept. And they should be well qualified/trained in the concerned subjects and the supporting officials have the ability to work with close cooperation with the teaching staff.
i) For the Schools imparting education upto class VIII | ||
1. | Principal/Head Master One | One |
2. | Graduate teacher (One Arts and one Science) | Two |
3. | Oriental / Religious Teacher | One |
4. | Language Teacher | One |
5. | Arts and Craft Teacher | One |
6. | Physical Education Teacher | One |
7. | Lab Attendant | One |
8. | Clerk | One |
9. | Office Attendant | One |
ii) For the Schools imparting education upto class x (Secondary Courses) | ||
1. | Principal/Head Master One | One |
2. | Graduate teacher (One Arts and one Science) | Two |
3. | Oriental / Religious Teacher | One |
4. | Language Teacher | One |
5. | Arts and Craft Teacher | One |
6. | Mathematics teacher | One |
7. | Lab Attendant | One |
8. | Clerk | One |
9. | Office Attendant | One |
iii) For School/College imparting education upto class XII (Senior Secondary Course) | ||
1. | Principal/Head Master One | One |
2. | Lecturer Science | Three |
3. | Lecturer Mathematics | One |
4. | Lecturer (Arts) | Five |
5. | Lecturer Commerce | Two |
6. | Graduate Teacher | Two |
7. | Language Teacher | One |
8. | Oriental / Religious Teacher | One |
9. | Physical Education Teacher Clerk | One |
10. | Professional Assistant | One |
11. | Jr. Lab assistant | One |
12. | Lab Attendant | One |
13. | Library Attendant | One |
14. | Assistant/Clerk | One |
15. | Office Attendant | One |
Types of Affiliation and Fees
The Institutions seeking fresh/up gradation/Renewal on provisional rescined form shall pay fees along with prescribed application form as given below by way of bank draft drawn in favour of Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education payable at New Delhi.
For Middle Schools.
For Secondary Schools.
For Senior Secondary Schools.
Open Schools (for Private Candidates).
A) Fee for Education Institutions seeking Affiliation (Non Refundable)
Sr. No. | Type of School | Affiliation for Two years | Renewal for one year |
1. | Middle Schools | Rs 15,000/- | Rs 5,000/- |
2. | Secondary Schools | Rs 20,000/- | Rs 5,000/- |
3. | Senior Secondary Schools | Rs 25,000/- | Rs 5,000/- |
4. | Open Schools (for Private Candidates) | Rs 25,000/- | Rs 5,000 |
Note: - The provisional affiliation subject to fulfillment of certain essential conditions may be granted for one year which shall be extended/renewed after receipt of request from the concerned Institution along with prescribed fee for renewal and satisfactory performance report is found during the previous affiliation.
No refund of Affiliation fee
Once Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi awards Study Centre, no refund of affiliation fee to the concerned Institution will be made under any circumstances.
Withdrawal of Affiliation
Affiliation to the School/Institutions may be withdrawn if the competent authority is of the view that the concerned Institutions is not following the rules and regulation of Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education or promoting hatred between different sections of the Society by either way or also any misconduct in connection with the admission/examination. The affiliation may also be withdrawn if the affiliated Institution is from guilty of involving knowingly in unwarranted activities.
Prohibition of Ragging
All School/Institutions affiliated with Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi will ensure the compliance of these orders with effect from the date of affiliation: Any students practicing ragging in any from within or outside the premises of educational Institution will be punished for expulsion for at least three years and fine as decided by the school authorities. Reoccurrence of such incidents in any Institution will be viewed seriously and that may also lead to the cancellation of affiliation for next five years.
Obligations on the part of Affiliated Institutions
1. The affiliated Institution shall remain opened for the Inspection by the Inspectors appointed by Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi at any time.
2. The building and furniture of the Institution shall be placed at the disposal of Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi for conduct of any of its examinations.
3. The Institutions shall maintain authentic record of attendance
4. The Institution shall arrange regular medical checkup of students.
5. The Institution shall not refuse any admission on grounds of caste, community, region or religion.
6. The School/Institution shall follow rules and regulations of Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education.
Power to alter these Regulations
The Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi may amend, modify or revise these regulations in the prescribed manner at any time without notice to any party.
On any question as to the interpretation of any provision of these regulations, the decision of the Chairman, Indian Council for Hindi & Sanskrit Education, Delhi shall be final.